HomeFamily Courses Registration Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Course and Slot Selection - Step 1 of 3Select the Family Course *Select CourseMini PizzaMuesli Making Chinese Dumpling MakingNasi Tumpeng MakingPancakes and Waffles Indonesian SatayJapanese MochiFruit TartsLangues De Chat and CookiesCute Bento MakingChinese Dinner Healthy Spreads and JamsSelect any one of the course before proceeding Choose your Preferred Date and Time *DateTimeWe will check the class availability based on your preferred date. Our customer service will call you once you have made the confirmation booking and payment pertaining the class date. All classes will be 3 hours each. No of Adults *1 Adult2 Adults 3 Adults 4 AdultsPlease choose how many adults will be attending the course. Adult prices are fixed at $100/ paxNo of Children *1 Children2 Children3 Children4 ChildrenPlease choose how many children will be attending the course. Children prices are fixed at $60/ pax. Children must be accompanied by at least one adult and also children must be below 13 years old. NextFull Name *Name as per IC or PassportEmail *EmailConfirm EmailPhone *Birthday *PreviousNextVoucher CodeReceipt Upload (if applicable) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. only png and jpg formats are accepted, maximum size of 5MBTotal Price$ 0.00Stripe Credit Card *By confirming the details and submitting payment, you agree to the following: *The information entered is true.The T&Cs. Read more at https://walkerenterprise.com.sg/terms-and-conditions/PreviousConfirm Details and Submit