Coffee has a lot of health benefits in addition for leisurely drinks and source for caffeine. Coffee helps with prevention of dementi and improves mental alertness. But like most, it is better to be taken in moderation. 2 Cups of black coffee a day, should be the limit. Over consumptions can lead to insomnia, heart palpitations, tremors, and more. Black coffee does not add to your calories intake.
What most coffee lovers in Singapore today that they do not know is that Local Coffee is made of Robusta that have been roasted with Sugar and Margarine. The compositions are 80%:20%. So for 100 kgs of coffee, the sugar will be 20 kgs. Drinking too much of this, may lead to high blood sugar level. The real Robusta Beans are very bitter and they do not contain any sucrose or sugar. As for Arabica beans, they have 2% sucrose content in the beans which provides the taste beyond bitterness. Arabica beans is called specialty coffee as they are roasted only on the beans and with nothing else.
So what are essentials for you to note about coffee:
1. Arabica or Coffee Beans in general are of sour property. Acidity means good in Coffee Beans and how high the level of Acidity depends on the level of roast level. If you are not able to take acidic coffee, then Dark Roast beans are your coffee profile.
2, Robusta Beans can be grown in lower altitude than Arabica, which requires at least 1000 metres above sea level and the right climate to grow the beans. Robusta yields are almost twice that of Arabica, but Robusta is just plain bitter and mostly are just roasted dark.
3. Coffee is a homogenous product, which means premium coffee comes from the same source/ farm, with same variety, and the same quality. Blends means different coffee beans from different sources and different varieties are mixed together.
4. Coffee is the 2nd largest traded commodity in the world after Oil and their prices have been rising above 30% recently per year due to Climate Change.
Finally, coffee is meant to be enjoyed and not as a source for caffeine. Once you can slow down and enjoy your cup of coffee, the caffeine will no longer affects much of your neuron sensitivity and possibly, you can have a cup of coffee anytime of the day
For more insights on coffee, you can follow us on instagram at @walkersolutions.sg